Monday, July 22, 2013

On the Horizon...

Big news!

Most of my best ideas originate with my better half, and once again this is the case.  I hadn't planned on making any attempts at an ultra until next Spring, but Christina happened to notice an email about a different sort of race coming up this November, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity, so I am now officially signed up to run the 6-hour race at Miles for Maria in Kennesaw, GA, this November.

Charging Ahead

It's a bit of an aggressive step, but I think it will be awesome for a number of reasons - 
  • It's a timed race, so rather than having to cover any particular distance, I just have to stay on my feet shuffling forward for 6 hours straight.  No doubt this won't be easy, but I've been on 4-hour runs before, so it's not that tremendous of an extension.  Also, since I don't have to cover any particular distance, I can walk or jog when I feel like it, and run faster when I feel the zip, without the psychological sting of seeing everyone else disappear over the horizon.
  • It's after my next Marathon, so it won't disrupt my current training plan or put any extra pressure on any other running goals.
  • It's the first edition of this particular race, which means if I win, I get a de facto course record!  Whether or not that's any kind of possibility obviously depends on who else signs up for the event...  I'm not necessarily planning to run competitively at the front; I'm hoping I can average a 10' pace for 6 hours, which means I should race up at least 36 miles.  If I can get that done, I'll have a lot more confidence as I begin to prep for the Sweet H20 50k in April.

The Ultra Running Wannabe is only three and a half months from actually becoming an ultra runner!

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